New Book: Caught Up in Hope

A 40 Day Devotional Journey to Exhale at the Feet of Jesus.


“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

Psalm 46:5


As women, we build things. 


Our bodies grow new life.

Our hearts shape family.

Our hands create countless meals and keep things orderly.

Our prayers nurture others.

Our fortitude rears children through every hurt, every triumph, and every season.

Our love strengthens and softens our husbands.

Our words pour into and sharpen friends. 


We build home, family, community, and a future that remains anchored in unconditional love. 


We live our lives focused on serving the needs of others. 

Often sacrificing who we are and the things we want 

to make others shine. 


The enemy is well aware that women are powerful Kingdom builders. 

Warriors that must be disrupted, distracted, and destroyed.

So, he tears us down through lies about our worth and beauty; 

shifts our focus from the source of our power to the work of our hands;

The enemy constantly wears us down through circumstance, comparison, and toil to make us question the goodness of God.


The enemy whispers “you cannot pour from an empty cup” but leads us to the bitter well of this world rather than to the well of living water. 


The well where Jesus is encountered. 

The One who lovingly beckons: come to me all who are weary. 

Take my yoke; it is easy. 

Drink from my cup. 

Thirst no more. 

Be still and experience peace…..