Posts in Ignited Faith
Silence doesn't Save, the Truth does....

We need you to shepherd, to pastor, to lead, to use your influence for Kingdom impact as darkness consumes. You are called–we are called–to be a wall of light in this dark world. We are called to expose the darkness, stand firm against it, and with the full authority of Heaven make it recede. The culture of “my truth” is not receding; in fact, the silence of the Church has emboldened it and in many cases embraced it…

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New Book: Caught Up in Hope

For forty days in a few brief minutes, you will encounter Jesus so that you discover or re-discover the power of a life surrendered to Jesus Christ. The next forty days are a sweet reminder of who He is and what we have been gifted. Drawing from His well, with the sole desire to know Him better, I pray will ignite a passion to make Him known. I pray it will encourage and embolden each of us to stand unapologetically on His firm foundation in an ever-shifting world and joyfully proclaim the truth. Because when we get caught up in the Hope we have in Jesus, everything changes….

Order your copy here.

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Even If. Even When.

So I do this thing, I have this constant rambling conversation with God in my head. The other day, driving home from Oxford, MS, after a particularly trying two weeks, my conversation revolved around my desire to be anchored to EVEN IF because of His promise: EVEN WHEN.

Even If I’m in a waiting season

Even if I’m walking through a deep valley

Even if the answer is NO

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Some momma thoughts on the middle school years

Middle School. Always depicted as a gauntlet that must be endured and survived. For many reasons, this is not an unfair depiction. Middle school and the years between 12 and 14 are tough! Tough for kids: navigating puberty, growing independence, insecurities, and figuring out who they are individually and in a group. Tough for parents: certainly a glimpse of the greater challenges to come in the high school years (this momma’s heart has now survived that stage twice!); helping them navigate—-well everything I listed above.

Middle school is transition. And transition is never easy.

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