Such A Time As This

We were not created nor set apart to self-indulge, elevate our opinions to truth, or even to experience happiness this side of Heaven. 

We were created to be His image bearer,

Set apart to set aside our needs, our “truths”, and our feelings for HIS TRUTH.

We cannot comprehend the depths of Him…BUT

We can trust the goodness of Him. 

We may not understand WHY.

But we know that: He is working all things for good.

We need not suffer any suffering,

because of Jesus we know our story does not end with a human plea of “why have you forsaken me?” 


It was finished with:

a stone rolled away,

an empty tomb,

and all power and authority given,

So our sole desire is to glorify Him with our lives.

For such a time as this… is not an accolade admiring our strength;

It is a challenge to use all our God-given strength for Kingdom purpose.

We are not promised easy circumstances, in truth we are told we will have trouble.

Such a time as this is a line in the sand: a line in the midst of THE battle—a spiritual warfare for our souls. One that leads to death or life….an epic battle of good versus evil.

You were created to set aside all that you are for all that He did. Set apart by the truth that in every battle you fight, you know the war is won:

“I have overcome the world.”

Made for such a time as this is not a call to build a personal kingdom,

It is a challenge by the creator of the Universe: 

Surrender you,

For Him,

Turn from your needs 

To the needs of others.



In these times, live out your calling and courageously build the Kingdom.