Posts in Editor's Pick
The 5 Habits: The Foundation of a Life Well-Lived

Every meaningful journey requires two things: a destination and a purpose.  The destination tells you where you are going.  The purpose gets you started, but, more importantly, holds you to the path in the face of challenges.  The destination is your journey’s WHAT.  What you want to accomplish, what your goal is.  The purpose is your WHY. Why do you want to accomplish this and why is it important, imperative to reach? 

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What's the point?

This new venture is exciting. I've got a list a dozen items long of topics that I'm eager to write about, wading through the sea of dietary myths and broken quick-fixes and simplifying what has become a cluster of nutritional confusion. I, too, have allowed myself to play victim to the lies of the diet industry, a $60 billion machine looking to profit from our feelings of defeatedness and uncertainty, and urgency to change

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